Vestfjellet (04.09.2016)  5

Characteristic Hike
Duration 3h 30min
Distance 8.4km
Vertical meters 312m
Ascents Skibergfjellet (633m) 04.09.2016 14:26
Vestfjellet (634m) 04.09.2016 15:19

Tourpartner: Øyvind, Mona

User comments

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    Missing title

    Written by Mayhassen 04.09.2016 18:33

    Hey, where are you going, and for how long are you staying? :)

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      Written by Chris 04.09.2016 22:44

      Currently I'm in Drammen. Will head then over to Morten and further to the Peakbook gathering Krossbu. Will stay until next Monday. Øyvind said something about a trip we could possibly do together tomorrow? Would be nice! :-)

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