Kvithøvd med Mia og Nero (27.05.2014)

Duration 1h 16min
Distance 3.6km
Vertical meters 310m
Ascents Kvithovd (1,001m) 27.05.2014
Visits of other PBEs Utsiktspunkt Kvithovd (990m) 27.05.2014
Varde på Kvithovd (987m) 27.05.2014
Start date 27.05.2014 13:54
(UTC+01:00 DST)
End date 27.05.2014 15:11
(UTC+01:00 DST)
Total Time 1h 16min
Moving Time 1h 15min
Stopped Time 0h 1min
Overall Average 2.8km/h
Moving Average 2.9km/h
Distance 3.6km
Vertical meters 309m

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