Niedere Tauern

Letzte Touren

Neueste PBE

Gamsspitzl (2.340m) | 09.06.2015
Radstädter Tauern, Österreich
Oberhutte am See (1.860m) | 07.06.2015
Salzburg, Schladminger Tauern

Notice: Smarty error: html_image: unable to find 'gfx/pbes/0d/6a/0d6a652110d37e4d630b426fd2d8d237/5.jpg' in /var/www/ on line 1092
Giglachseehutte (1.955m) | 07.06.2015
Schladminger Tauern, Steiermark

Notice: Smarty error: html_image: unable to find 'gfx/pbes/c4/a3/c4a3e7f5a77ae5d7a72ad60e18467696/5.jpg' in /var/www/ on line 1092
Gurpitscheck (2.526m) | 07.06.2015
Salzburg, Schladminger Tauern

Notice: Smarty error: html_image: unable to find 'gfx/pbes/2b/bc/2bbc9911adabd2d0ea3a1d1ffaa46746/5.jpg' in /var/www/ on line 1092
Gollitschspitz (2.247m) | 07.06.2015
Salzburg, Schladminger Tauern

Notice: Smarty error: html_image: unable to find 'gfx/pbes/b5/ad/b5ad4fbaabe1f912761ccc8d4e6fe361/5.jpg' in /var/www/ on line 1092
Sudwienerhütte (1.802m) | 05.06.2015
Radstädter Tauern, Salzburg

Notice: Smarty error: html_image: unable to find 'gfx/pbes/5c/88/5c8887e856d03bf0e2f205b184048890/5.jpg' in /var/www/ on line 1092
Glocknerin (2.433m) | 05.06.2015
Radstädter Tauern, Salzburg
Zehnerkarspitze (2.381m) | 05.06.2015
Radstädter Tauern, Salzburg
Seekarspitze (2.350m) | 05.06.2015
Salzburg, Schladminger Tauern