Aonach Eagach traverse (28.02.2008)
Ascents | Meall Dearg (Aonach Eagach) - Am Bodach (943m) | 28.02.2008 |
Aonach Eagach - Meall Dearg (953m) | 28.02.2008 | |
Aonach Eagach - Sgorr nam Fiannaidh (967m) | 28.02.2008 | |
Sgorr nam Fiannaidh (Aonach Eagach) - Stob Coire Leith (940m) | 28.02.2008 |
Glencoe's finest ridge traverse done in winter conditions with my university climbing friend Tim while on a long weekend trip in Scotland. I regret not having written a report straight after but the photos can speak for themselves!

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