Langdale Pikes to Grasmere (25.05.2009)

Startsted Langdale youth hostel
Sluttsted Grasmere
Bestigninger Blea Rigg (541moh) 25.05.2009
Calf Crag (537moh) 25.05.2009
Castle How (500moh) 25.05.2009
Gibson Knott (420moh) 25.05.2009
Helm Crag (405moh) 25.05.2009
High Raise  (762moh) 25.05.2009
Sergeant Man (736moh) 25.05.2009

A very steady and pleasant ascent of High Raise, apparently the most scenic viewpoint in the whole of Lakeland. The route took me up in warm sunshine from Landale youth hostel over the undulating plateau of Dow Bank-Lang How-Castle How up towards Sergeant Man, a nice little top shortly before the rather more dull shoulder that leads onto High Raise. Its not an interesting mountain itself to climb, but you do indeed get very good views all around; west towards Great Gable and Scafell and more closeby the drop down into the Langstrath valley, then north to Keswick, Skiddaw and Blencathra and the Drewent fells ot to the northwest. And east gets you the views of the Helvellyn ridge stretched out from Clough Head all the way down towards Fairfield and Rydal Fell near Ambleside. Great stuff. From High Raise though, rather than continuing along Greenup Edge and going up d-Ullscarf (dull it really is) I swerved east and went over the little gems above Grasmere - from one end of Easedale to the other, but above it rather than along its valley bottom. The hardest part mainly was navigating my way down from High Raise and onto Calf Crag; its a bit vague and the path seemed to do the well-known disappearing act especially over somewhat wet ground underfoot. Nonetheless I spotted another walker from somewhere and made a beeline for her, thinking that she must be on a path even if I wasn't. Seemed to work though and I found myself on the right ridge going over to Helm Crag. Good end to the day by having a bimble around Grasmere and buying a well-deserved ice cream after 4 consecutive and varied days out in the hills :D


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