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Dager i lysløypa

Cross-country skiing

Vanligvis ville jeg ikke skrive noe om min daglig 'tur' mellom hjem og arbeidsplassen, men siden jeg har havnet på lysløypa så mange dager i høst allerede, tenkte jeg at det skulle bli verdt å si noe og legge opp noen bilder. Synes vi er veldig heldig med løypa på Tromsøya, og jeg har gått vesentlig mange hundre kilometer i år, spesielt i løpet av påske da skredfare var høy og kneet var fremdeles vondt etter skaden jeg fikk i mars. Da er den min første back-up plan når været er kjedelig eller fortauet er ikke brøytet (som gjør det litt saktere å gå på jobb). Skiføre i midten av Oktober De siste ukene har vi hatt en god del ruskevær her i Tromsø området, og selv om det har kommet et fint påfyll snø, er det fortsatt ikke en type vær som frister meg og turkompisene mine >>>


Snowshoe trip

Storkjølen is just about the only mountain I can see when I’m sitting on my sofa. Given the choice I would rather have a view of Storsteinnestinden or something a bit more aesthetic like the mountains around Ersfjord, but at the moment I have to make do with Storkjølen. At least being so close it only takes 10 minutes to drive to Kvaløya, park up and begin a trip up the mountain. Which is basically the story for today’s laid-back Sunday trip. I left the car just after the sign for the Interim Kirke, a little north of the bridge between Tromsøya and Kvaløya. From there it was a couple hundred metres up the road and past some houses before reaching the lysløypa, and then I followed a track closed to motor vehicles which goes all the way up to Mellomvatnet. I didn’t actually go all >>>

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Snowshoe trip

During the week I spent probably too much time wondering about how the snow conditions would be like instead of just going out on a trip to find out. In any case I had come to the conclusion that this weekend would most likely be spent with a pair of truger on my feet. I was not convinced that there was enjoyable skiing to be had, given how the snow had been the previous weekend and that there had been a couple of days with milder temperatures. Anyway, from my very limited experience of trugerturer, I decided that a nice, gently-angled mountain would be most appropriate with such equipment. Fortunately I found a mountain on Kvaløya which seemed to fit that description and also be a mountain I hadn’t yet been to. Skittenskarfjellet was therefore today’s objective. Easy to drive to as well >>>
