Rennevassnuten (01.10.2016)  5

Start point Rennevassvegen (850m)
Endpoint Rennevassnutan (1,065m)
Characteristic Hike
Duration 0h 17min
Distance 7.0km
Vertical meters 200m
Ascents Rennevassnutan (1,062m) 01.10.2016

This hike is very well suited for families with children. It starts from Rennevassvegen at ~850moh (before the barrier/bom). A fee of 50NOK (cash only) shall be paid right after Oppsal to continue on the Rennevassvegen road. This hike is only 3.5km each way. From Rennevassnuten, one has a beautiful view over Lifjell, the small lakes in the Hjartdal mountains and Gaustatoppen.


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