Schober & Frauenkopf (09.07.2015)
Startsted | Forsthaus Wartenfels (920moh) |
Sluttsted | Forsthaus Wartenfels (920moh) |
Turtype | Fjelltur |
Turlengde | 1t 45min |
Distanse | 3,5km |
Høydemeter | 479m |
Bestigninger | Frauenkopf (1303moh) | 09.07.2015 |
Schober (1328moh) | 09.07.2015 |
Trip Summary
We parked right next to Forsthaus Wartenfels and ascended to the ruin Wartenfels that towers above the Forsthaus (only a few minutes up). From there, it is a quick ascent up to Schober, from where one enjoyes exceptional views in all directions. The matter of fact that Schober is kind of the northernmost (somehow) higher mountain frees extended views in many directions! From there, we connected to Frauenkopf, which is only a few steps away from Schober. From there, one gets back to Forsthaus Wartenfels via a good-to-walk path, mostly through the forest underneath Schober. In total, this hike is short and rewarding. At a few places, there are steel ropes that help to ascend/descend and at some very few places you have to watch you step, when getting up, down, or around. With a little bit of experience, this hike is by no means difficult, but if you are new to the mountains, then you should check with care whether this hike is the best start.
Selected photos are available as Google+ photo album.
Useful Resources
Web page provides several trip reports up and down Schober.