Świnica - 2,301m

Name Świnica
Search name Świnica
Elevation 2,301 meter
Region Lesser Poland, Prešov Region, Eastern Tatras
Parent regions Europe, Poland, Slovakia, Carpathians, Western Carpathians, Inner Western Carpathians, Tatras
Vertical separation 351 meter
Adviser admin (Administrator)
Last modification 09.03.2016
Alternative name Svinica
First ascent 1867 by Maciej Sieczka
Level of difficulty Level of difficultyLevel of difficultyLevel of difficulty 
Coordinates 34U 427857 5452320 (UTM)
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Adviser none

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Overall 8 members have registered 9 ascents of Świnica.

Świnica is contained on one list.



Świnica (Polish) is a mountain in the main crest of the High Tatras, on the Polish-Slovak border. The main peak is at 2,301 m AMSL. A marked trail leads through the summit. The Polish name Świnica (derivative form of a pig or swine) was given to this summit in the mid 19th century. It probably refers to the resemblance of the peak to silhouette of a swine. Another, doubtful explanation, is that the summit was difficult to reach.

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