Śnieżnik - 1,425m

Name Śnieżnik
Search name Śnieżnik
Elevation 1,425 meter
Region Pardubický kraj, Lower Silesia
Parent regions Europe, Czech Republic, Poland
Vertical separation 664 meter
Adviser admin (Administrator)
Last modification 09.03.2016
Alternative name Sněžník, Glatzer Schneegebirge
First ascent
Level of difficulty Level of difficulty 
Coordinates 33U 631918 5563345 (UTM)
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Adviser none

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Śnieżnik (1425 m), Sněžník (Czech), Glatzer Schneeberg (German) is a mountain in the Eastern Sudetes, located on the border between the Czech Republic and Poland. The mountain is the highest peak of the Śnieżnik Mountains. The name Sněžník or Śnieżnik derives from the word for "snow".

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