1531-1545 of 49108
Name Elevation V.sep. Coordinates GPX
Bakestall 673m 7m 30U 491032 6057794 (UTM)

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Bakjordtinden 425m 90m 33W 454611 7564113 (UTM)
Bakkafjellet 298m 100m 32V 545221 7082049 (UTM)

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Bakkanosi 1,398m 30m 32V 383156 6754898 (UTM)
Bakkanuten 770m 98m 32V 373315 6622058 (UTM)
Bakkåsen, (Sveåsen) 250m 115m 32V 353922 6596230 (UTM)

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Bakkeåsen 217m 140m 32V 564894 6601659 (UTM)
Bakkedalen 780m 32V 406983 6830709 (UTM)

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Bakkedalen Bomveg 30m 32V 371890 6889881 (UTM)
Bakkedalen p-lomme 315m 32V 371018 6889052 (UTM)
Bakkedalsvatnet p-plass 364m 32V 369101 6888168 (UTM)
Bakkefjellet 630m 20m 32V 297533 6810650 (UTM)
Bakkeheia 554m 85m 32V 392398 6472670 (UTM)
Bakkehytta 1,245m 32V 438582 6672020 (UTM)
Bakkekampen 1,189m 80m 32V 554354 6875267 (UTM)
