1576-1590 of 49108
Name Elevation V.sep. Coordinates GPX

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Baksafjellet 1,636m 460m 32V 397979 6730000 (UTM)
Baksidevassberget 1,327m 180m 32V 529768 6861228 (UTM)
Baksjøberget 728m 48m 32V 657164 6793252 (UTM)

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Baksjøberget 508m 70m 33V 368604 6710905 (UTM)
Bakstevalåsen 317m 73m 32V 547591 6615740 (UTM)
Bákteleakvárri 287m 150m 34W 597177 7818061 (UTM)
Bakule peak, (Bakule) 2,286m 120m 37N 333565 665829 (UTM)
Bakvikhaugen 197m 90m 33W 434090 7385454 (UTM)
Balbergkampen 670m 140m 32V 577655 6781068 (UTM)

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Balbergskaret 460m 32V 578208 6780752 (UTM)
Bald Hill 257m 125m 30U 641939 5724763 (UTM)
Bald Hill 500m 66m 30V 454525 6229907 (UTM)
Balduff Hill 425m 141m 30V 483641 6280429 (UTM)

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Baldvinsskáli, (Fimmvörðuháls) 920m 27V 577302 7054592 (UTM)
Balfrin 3,796m 235m 32T 413509 5109656 (UTM)