Name |
Elevation |
V.sep. |
Coordinates |
Bandaklumpen V
1,427m |
48m |
33V 355668 6989176 (UTM)
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Bandaklumpen Ø
1,553m |
200m |
33V 356881 6989796 (UTM)
513m |
513m |
32V 332187 6575912 (UTM)
Bandåsen - sti fra sørvest
245m |
32V 331672 6575236 (UTM)
Banddalsryggen, (Altenesfjellet)
484m |
160m |
34W 586236 7775670 (UTM)
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986m |
210m |
32V 382720 6526570 (UTM)
Baneheia, (Baneheia 154)
154m |
125m |
32V 437741 6449783 (UTM)
170m |
100m |
32V 436660 6451191 (UTM)
1,252m |
100m |
32V 393826 6597443 (UTM)
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Bangardsvola, (Bangardsvorda)
1,034m |
145m |
32V 575923 6908765 (UTM)
Bangfjellet, (Čorrovárri)
1,266m |
585m |
34W 442536 7632367 (UTM)
1,315m |
190m |
34W 406109 7634939 (UTM)
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Bangsberget, (Liberget)
486m |
260m |
32V 603037 6747090 (UTM)
Bangsberget syd, (Liberget syd)
470m |
32V 603128 6746992 (UTM)
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2,178m |
261m |
34U 406018 5450232 (UTM)