Name |
Elevation |
V.sep. |
Coordinates |
Barraduff , (Cnoc Bharr Dubh)
400m |
96m |
29U 459701 5742572 (UTM)
Barrancas Blancas
6,090m |
1,030m |
19J 533131 7014573 (UTM)
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Barranco del Infierno
300m |
28R 331649 3112774 (UTM)
Barranco El Berriel parking
15m |
28R 449056 3073520 (UTM)
Barranisky , (Ballymoyle Hill, Barr an Uisce)
280m |
164m |
29U 692826 5859163 (UTM)
1,419m |
789m |
34W 466416 7665899 (UTM)
Barrclashcame , (Sheeffry Hills West Top, Barr Chlais Ceim)
772m |
706m |
29U 451049 5946269 (UTM)
Barrclashcame North West Top , (Sturrakeennageer, Starraicin na gCaor)
580m |
42m |
29U 449868 5946740 (UTM)
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Barre des Écrins, (Écrins Barre des)
4,102m |
2,043m |
32T 291646 4977701 (UTM)
Barre des Écrins Dôme de Neige, (Dôme de Neige)
4,015m |
41m |
32T 291183 4977953 (UTM)
Barrio Los Lomos aparcamiento
820m |
28R 436834 3081044 (UTM)
Barrock Fell
223m |
97m |
30U 510962 6074421 (UTM)
Barroe North
226m |
132m |
29U 545572 5993471 (UTM)
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947m |
420m |
26S 632833 4180340 (UTM)
455m |
71m |
30U 487235 6048703 (UTM)