3121-3135 of 49108
Name Elevation V.sep. Coordinates GPX
Bergestignuten, (Hovanuten) 749m 175m 32V 440535 6600903 (UTM)
Bergesætra 990m 32V 604487 6900855 (UTM)
Berget p-lomme 120m 32V 379342 6933039 (UTM)

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Bergetindan, (Borgetinden) 660m 5m 32V 370926 6940678 (UTM)
Bergetippen 125m 35m 32V 397804 6962011 (UTM)
Bergevassknotten 920m 130m 32V 562339 6763582 (UTM)
Bergevassknotten - sti fra NV 920m 32V 562334 6763599 (UTM)

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Berggasthaus Wasenalp 1,960m 32T 426970 5125823 (UTM)

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Berggrova, (Høgåsen) 542m 134m 32V 494909 6995419 (UTM)
Berghei, (Storeknuten) 624m 82m 32V 370399 6495603 (UTM)
Berghei 916m 50m 32V 386188 6523455 (UTM)

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Bergheia 615m 112m 32V 390300 6466308 (UTM)
Bergheii, (Grubbå) 1,115m 130m 32V 389286 6537596 (UTM)

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Bergheimsnosi 950m 60m 32V 417191 6806873 (UTM)
Berghomheii, (Moltenesheii) 763m 135m 32V 381607 6508237 (UTM)