Name |
Elevation |
V.sep. |
Coordinates |
Biertavárri Vesttopen
1,115m |
60m |
34W 500915 7701778 (UTM)
1,052m |
250m |
33W 564861 7536257 (UTM)
Biertnatjåhkkå Østnordøst
942m |
110m |
33W 566284 7537196 (UTM)
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3,934m |
806m |
32T 411650 5138190 (UTM)
Biette Jovnnačohkka
1,435m |
105m |
34W 408316 7608413 (UTM)
1,180m |
185m |
34W 490574 7703961 (UTM)
Big Beehive
2,270m |
15m |
11U 552416 5695986 (UTM)
Big Buddha
375m |
130m |
47N 424238 865307 (UTM)
Big Collin , (Collann Mor)
353m |
152m |
29U 687362 6076668 (UTM)
Big Hill
432m |
97m |
30U 476064 6130222 (UTM)
Big Hill of Glenmount
382m |
124m |
30U 409092 6126457 (UTM)
Big Hunt Hill
520m |
24m |
30V 446659 6227593 (UTM)
Big Morton Hill
417m |
110m |
30U 436681 6115826 (UTM)
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Big Sister, (Faith Peak)
2,940m |
870m |
11U 615601 5652782 (UTM)
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Big Sister from Spray Lake Dam
1,705m |
11U 614505 5651863 (UTM)