3481-3495 of 49108
Name Elevation V.sep. Coordinates GPX

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Bjergje, (Bjerga) 257m 27m 32V 418918 6980859 (UTM)

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Bjerkalia 288m 115m 32V 427943 6960705 (UTM)
Bjerkesetsetra p-plass 240m 32V 430256 6971024 (UTM)

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Bjerkholmen 6m 6m 32V 588989 6640178 (UTM)
Bjerklandshøgda 229m 40m 32V 613295 6626098 (UTM)
Bjerklifjellet 421m 90m 33W 454260 7359718 (UTM)
Bjerkmofjellet 770m 105m 33W 464281 7343400 (UTM)
Bjerkøy 54m 54m 32V 583834 6563441 (UTM)
Bjerkøya høyeste punkt 34m 34m 32V 584475 6633325 (UTM)

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Bjermelandsnakken 239m 35m 32V 403336 6937900 (UTM)

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Bjerringåsen 265m 10m 32V 606152 6638628 (UTM)
Bjertnessætra 387m 32V 604256 6675292 (UTM)

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Bjerttjernkampen 1,330m 40m 32V 544714 6773110 (UTM)
Bjoavegen parkering 43m 32V 310240 6619370 (UTM)
Bjordalsbu 1,580m 32V 445668 6755083 (UTM)