Name |
Elevation |
V.sep. |
Coordinates |
Blåbergheia, (Middagshumpen)
700m |
110m |
33W 494724 7585864 (UTM)
1,029m |
22m |
32V 491000 6717854 (UTM)
Blåberghovda Øst, (Natten)
986m |
39m |
32V 492360 6717808 (UTM)
Notice: Smarty error: html_image: unable to find 'gfx/pbes/07/c4/07c4b1fdd1ef8da2d7e9393071204b71/5.jpg' in /var/www/ on line 1092
1,802m |
360m |
32V 435925 6734185 (UTM)
Blåbergi 1610
1,610m |
25m |
32V 468476 6737758 (UTM)
Blåbergi Sørøst
1,624m |
55m |
32V 469101 6737643 (UTM)
1,585m |
375m |
32V 384849 6631665 (UTM)
Notice: Smarty error: html_image: unable to find 'gfx/pbes/c7/9e/c79ec57a8e72a87d8a69d2c6b8a2a8d4/5.jpg' in /var/www/ on line 1092
1,659m |
220m |
32V 466319 6930995 (UTM)
Notice: Smarty error: html_image: unable to find 'gfx/pbes/4d/23/4d23e2384f446a9f2c099cc11186fa44/5.jpg' in /var/www/ on line 1092
Blåbotnhalsen øst
1,643m |
85m |
32V 467945 6931354 (UTM)
800m |
32V 317297 6849295 (UTM)
Blåbrebu parkering
115m |
32V 318383 6844683 (UTM)
1,364m |
115m |
32V 372513 6882531 (UTM)
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Blåbredhornet Midtre
1,325m |
43m |
32V 372891 6882847 (UTM)
Blåbredhornet nord for
1,337m |
47m |
32V 372877 6883182 (UTM)
Blåbretinden, (Ingjebærtinden)
1,476m |
266m |
32V 373236 6910632 (UTM)