4411-4425 of 49108
Name Elevation V.sep. Coordinates GPX
Blotting Raise , (Croglin Fell) 591m 67m 30U 523799 6076960 (UTM)
Blue Mountain Peak 2,256m 2,256m 18Q 332883 1996043 (UTM)
Bluff Knoll 1,099m 650m 50H 615482 6195493 (UTM)
Blunt Top 901m 10m 30U 487144 6034700 (UTM)
Blyberget 195m 37m 32V 567453 7033155 (UTM)
Blyfjell 1,237m 147m 32V 352631 6749608 (UTM)
Blyfjellet 884m 160m 32V 323633 6765856 (UTM)
Blyvarden 1,446m 140m 32V 415934 6663389 (UTM)
Blægja 1,305m 962m 32V 313872 6815001 (UTM)

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Blægja parkering, (Askvoll infoskilt parkering) 43m 32V 312070 6817222 (UTM)
Blæja 1,372m 27m 32V 378463 6888724 (UTM)

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Blæja 1,280m 30m 32V 360991 6888880 (UTM)
Blæja, (Storeblæja) 1,143m 654m 32V 331865 6882081 (UTM)
Blæja alternativ rute 555m 32V 333156 6879831 (UTM)
Blæja normalvei 555m 32V 333156 6879831 (UTM)
