Knappen (alternative route) (31.07.2016)
Written by HHauser (Helwig Hauser)
Start point | Varden (45m) |
Endpoint | Varden (45m) |
Characteristic | Hillwalk |
Duration | 2h 00min |
Distance | 4.3km |
Vertical meters | 189m |
Ascents | Knappen (133m) | 31.07.2016 |
Trip Summary
We started from Varden, walking down Marineveien and connecting to Bjørgeveien, where we turned left into Sandeidbrotet after only a few meters along Gjeddevatnet. This little side-street leads steeply up (into the direction of Knappatjørna). At "the top", where the street makes a sharp turn to the left, a hiking path leaves to the right (only a few meters above another side-road, which only connects to a private place instead). Following the hiking path (into northwestern direction) brings one nearby Røstafjellet, i.e., another residential area (north of Knappen and slightly elevated above Bjørgeveien). Before actually entering this area, another hiking path leaves to the left and upwards, first in western direction, but then, following the ridge, turning more and more into southern direction. Once on the ridge, the path is simply following the heights up to Knappen and one can enjoys some nice views (mostly in western direction). On Knappen, basically where the ruins are, we turned left, again---this time into eastern direction---and descended towards Knappatjørna. This path leads towards the southern end of Knappatjørna, where previously a psychiatric station was. We continued around Knappatjørna and connected to Vassteigen on the eastern side of this little lake. There, we simply followed the road down and connected via the pedestrians bridge over to Varden. Even though Knappen is not really a large hiking area it is still nice to find new path up and down this little hill! :-)
Selected photos are available as Google+ photo album.
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