Skogsøy in stormy weather (04.10.2014)

Start point Bridge before Herdlevær (10m)
Endpoint Bridge before Herdlevær (10m)
Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 3h 00min
Distance 5.3km
Vertical meters 140m
Ascents Skogsøytua (49m) 04.10.2014
Note that this track has been created a posteriori, i.e., from memory, not automatically recorded.

Trip Summary

With the weather being quite stormy, this was an exciting tour to Skogsøy! :-) It's one of the view places, which I know and appreciate, where you get close to the open north sea, here in the vicinity of Bergen -- a place to return to again and again!


Selected photos are available as Google+ photo album.

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