Skogsøy in stormy weather (04.10.2014)
Startpunkt | Bridge before Herdlevær (10m) |
Endpunkt | Bridge before Herdlevær (10m) |
Tourcharakter | Bergtour |
Tourlänge | 3h 00min |
Entfernung | 5,3km |
Höhenmeter | 140m |
Besteigungen | Skogsøytua (49m) | 04.10.2014 |
Note that this track has been created a posteriori, i.e., from memory, not automatically recorded.
Trip Summary
With the weather being quite stormy, this was an exciting tour to Skogsøy! :-) It's one of the view places, which I know and appreciate, where you get close to the open north sea, here in the vicinity of Bergen -- a place to return to again and again!
Selected photos are available as Google+ photo album.