Brekkjedalen (25.01.2015)

Startpunkt Parking place at the end of Haugsdalen (95m)
Endpunkt Parking place at the end of Haugsdalen (95m)
Tourcharakter Spaziergang
Tourlänge 1h 30min
Entfernung 7,0km
Höhenmeter 209m
Note that this track has been created a posteriori, i.e., from memory, not automatically recorded.

Trip Summary

Starting from the end of Hausdalen, we walked along the gravel road into Brekkjedalen. First, this really was an easy walk until the snow got deeper and deeper. In the end, every step was demanding, even though we "only" followed the road. Anyway: A nice and rewarding winter trip in a beautiful valley! :-)


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