Geitanuken (25.05.2015)

Startpunkt Nordre Toppe (65m)
Endpunkt Nordre Toppe (65m)
Tourcharakter Bergtour
Tourlänge 2h 45min
Entfernung 8,0km
Höhenmeter 501m
Besteigungen Geitanuken (305m) 25.05.2015
Ulsetvarden (288m) 25.05.2015
Note that this track has been created a posteriori, i.e., from memory, not automatically recorded.

Trip Summary

We started from Nordre Toppe and ascended quickly to the ridge in the west that leads up to Geitanuken (via Vedskaråsen and Novvarden). Due to recent rain, the path was slippery and wet. Still, this hike up Geitanuken from the northwest is nice and easy and very enjoyable! Also, one can enjoy several nice views over Byfjorden and Askøy, etc. Once on Geitanuken, we continued towards Åsane, i.e., towards south-southeast, descending via a path that is steeper than what we had walked up (still no problem at all -- just slippery after the rain). We got down to Myrdalskogen and passed by the houses through the near forrest -- staying close to the houses, though. From a large turn of Myrdalskogen road, we turned left (in northeasterly direction), descending steeply first and ascending then on the other side (to Skansen). There, we first followed a gravel road further up (in westerly direction), before we continued via gress, steeply up towards Ulsetvarden. Probably, it would have been possible to find the path up Ulsetvarden, if first going in northeasterly direction from Skansen. Since we didn't do that, we had to find you way up without any path. This was mostly OK, only in two places we needed to climb up a few meters -- not that this was dangerous, still we needed to use our hands in addition to get up. :-) Shortly after we got back on the path up Ulsetvarden, which we reached only a few minutes later. From there, we first went in northwestly direction. Since we couldn't find a clear path, we returned to Ulsetvarden and followed the path, instead, which connects back to the ridge up Geitanuken. Once there, we descended basically the same path, which had walked up first. All in all, this was a good walk with nice views.

Useful Resources

Web page provides useful information about Geitanuken
and also Petter Bjørstad has a useful page about Geitanuken.
Other related pages are offered by and


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