Skiddaw - winter (24.01.2009)  3

Startpunkt Bassenthwaite
Endpunkt Bassenthwaite
Besteigungen Bakestall (673m) 24.01.2009
Carl Side (746m) 24.01.2009
Long Side (734m) 24.01.2009
Skiddaw (931m) 24.01.2009

A walk up to the summit of Skiddaw from Bassenthwaite with Syam, Dave and Bev Smith. The route went up from the north side over Long Side edge, the weather was pretty unpleasant for most of the day and the wind was very strong after we had passed Carl Side and started the final pull up onto Skiddaw. I didn't have crampons with me and had a couple of awkward and delicate steps on the icy rocks. Trouble was that there wasn't a lot of snow cover, so what was there was quite hard and frozen. We descended soon after passing the summit trig point and down the northeastern side down to Whitewater dash. Had some lunch here before the rain got heavier and then continued on our way down to Bassenthwaite again following the Cumbria Way. Coffee with Syam, Bev and Dave again in Keswick before I got on a bus to Penrith train station and made my way back to Leicester.


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