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Nose of Lyskamm/Piramide Vincent
- Datum:
- 22.07.2003
Second day of the Monte Rosa traverse. Started from the Quintino Sella hut. Didn't go over Liskamm for some reason or another (either snow conditions or too much wind, I forget now). Finished at the Gnifetti Hut.
- Datum:
- 21.07.2003
- Tourcharakter:
- Hochtour
Some very old pictures from a trip with the late guide Brede Arkless and Frances. Took the cable car up to the Klein Matterhorn station from Zermatt and went up Castor. Finished at the Quintino Sella hut. Not many memories of that hut, only that the coffee was awful (it tasted terrible at 3am anyway, maybe would have appreciated it more later in the day) and the hut breakfasts were not much better either.
- Datum:
- 10.07.2003
After the tiring summit day on Huayna Potosi, we spent 2 nights in La Paz and used the day before the journey to Illimani to rest and write postcards. It was also Paul's birthday on our rest day, and we went out in the evening to celebrate. Not satisfied with the beers in our first restaurant, the three blokes decided we would head back to a restaurant called Angelo Colonial's and have some beer there till 10pm.
Thursday, 10th July 2003
In the morning, we left the hotel at 8am and our jeep trip to Pinaya took us through the rather spectacular Cañon de Palca, a deep vertical gorge of fascinating rock features and then up the mountainside where the roads weaved round on narrow ledges like you wouldn't imagine.....with drops to the side of thousands of feet and no rails to prevent vehicles from >>>
Huayna Potosi
- Datum:
- 06.07.2003
- Tourcharakter:
- Hochtour
Sunday 6th July 2003
Huayna Potosi (6088m) was to be the first 'big' mountain of a 3-week trip in Bolivia, and we headed over here after a week of acclimatising in the Condoriri group. It was a mountain we'd viewed from pretty much every peak we'd climbed in the Condoriri and we had been very impressed by it. Once we'd hiked out of the Condoriri base camp, and arrived back in Tuni, we were picked up by jeep and driven straight to our first campsite on the Huayna Potosi near the Zongo dam, situated in a rather bleak and uninspiring mining area. Our first impressions weren't particularly positive, especially after sleeping on a campsite surrounded by beautiful peaks in the Condoriri but inside the refuge where we had a supper of soup, steak and vegetables, we listened to a bit of Sophie Ellis-Bextor >>>