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Trip up to Sarkofagen with the Aberystwyth students; Hannah, Frances, Andrew and Stuart. We had -9 down in the valley and not a lot of daylight to work with, but we made pretty good progress up Larsbreen. I felt a little too warm in fact, and eventually decided to take off my synthetic jacket. The others seemed quite happy to keep their clothes on though. The wind had been quite OK down in the lower part of Larsbreen, I guess we had been quite sheltered. But higher up, as we approached the ridge between Sarkofagen and Lars Hiertafjellet, it got extremely windy. I put my jacket back on as well as my insulated trousers over my waterproof trousers. It really was *that* cold! Despite the less-than-ideal weather no one suggested we give up and turn so we ended up continuing to the top of Sarkofagen >>>
