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Ben Lawers traverse
- Datum:
- 21.04.2011
Superb route in superb weather. 1600m of ascent and 16 miles if you go down all the way to the road at the bottom instead of taking the high path ....... A bit of tricky down climbing on An Stuc, but done in dry weather it poses not too many difficulties unless you hate exposure and some delicate footwork! I saw only 4 people in the whole day, and 2 were going to turn back before decsending An Stuc, but I managed to persuade them to carry on and do the whole route, so I ended up having some company for the rest of the route. Highly recommend this lovely traverse of all 5 munros; its highland walking at its absolute bestest!!
Five Sisters of Kintail
- Datum:
- 16.04.2011
Did this route with James Yip and Andy Laing on a rather dull and damp day after coming back from Svalbard. Still, I'd had a good night's sleep at the Ratagan youth hostel compared with the other alternative of camping in the rain, so it wasn't all a bad start! The route has a reputation for being a really fantastic high level ridge walk with great views and an airy feel about it, but I don't think we really got to appreciate it's finest moments with the weather we had. Only after we'd left Sgurr Fhuaran and were well on the way to Sgurr na Carnach did it start to brighten up a little - enough to actually see the loch at the eastern end! But by no means sunny. It was overcast but not quite as misty, and the descent down the steep and wet grassy slopes into Glen Lichd wasn't that pleasant either >>>