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- Datum:
- 30.09.2012
- Tourcharakter:
- Wanderung
- Tourlänge:
- 5:30h
Wonderful day out on a mountain number 2 for this week: Bentsjordtinden. Probably also one of the mountains I have most wanted to visit since moving to Tromsø and one which I photograph numerous times, because of its very elegant silhouette against the Tromsø skyline. With me for this trip was my fjellsportgruppa friend Ilona. It had been a while since we have both found a good day to get out on a trip together, but fortunately today it happened. After collecting Ilona from town at kl.10, we drove out to Malangen via the Ryaforbindelsen under slightly cloudy sky but with no sign of rain, and it was a quick travel time to park up just after reaching Bentsjorda. It was a little tricky to figure out where the path(s) started from to go up the mountain, but luckily I had 'insider information' >>>
Lille Piggtinden
- Datum:
- 27.09.2012
- Tourcharakter:
- Wanderung
A very excellent day out. And my very first trip up a 'Lyngen Alp'. I have really only had one primary mountain 'goal' since moving to Tromso, and that is to climb at least one mountain in Lyngen, and this was the trip that fulfilled it, even though Lille Piggtinden is not really in the heart of the Lyngen peninsula. Anyway, I met up with two guys at ICA Langnes at kl.10 - Asbjorn, who I had met on previous trip and Reidar, who was a friend of Asbjorn's. Reidar drove us down towards the parking place in Lakselvdalen where we would begin the hike up. It was quite an impressive view of Lille Piggtinden from the entrance to the valley, and one which I wish I had got a photo of before before we started! I think it was more or less by the shores of Sørfjorden at it's western end where we parked >>>
Store Blåmann
- Datum:
- 13.09.2012
- Tourcharakter:
- Wanderung
- Tourlänge:
- 5:00h
Another opportunity for hiking with my friend Terese ( TerFlo (Terese Flo) ) came up when she had two days off work. Simultaneously the weather for both these days was forecasted to be fine and dry, so we met up on the Thursday with a plan to ascend Store Blåmann, yet another of (in my opinion) Tromsø's 'classic' hikes. It is actually quite a short trip, with less than 3km from the parkeringplass to the top of the mountain, so there was no hurry to start early and we left Tromsø at around kl.10 in rather tett tåke. Fortunately, by the time we had reached Kaldfjord the fog had been left behind us and we could see the Blåmann across the fjord under blue skies. It seemed like my dream to go back up the mountain with sunshine and good visibility might about to become true. So both of us were excited and feeling >>>
- Datum:
- 02.09.2012
- Tourcharakter:
- Wanderung
- Tourlänge:
- 7:00h
Hamperokken is I think, probably one of the 'classics' to do in Tromsø. For me, this was to be my second ascent of Hamperokken (the first time being on a super-summery day in August 2009). The opportunity to make a return visit came along when my friend TerFlo (Terese Flo) who I'd met on a previous fjellsportgruppa trip said she would join. Initially my plan was to take a hike up Tverrbotnfjellet, another mountain quite close to Hamperokken but on the other side of Lavangsdalen. But since Terese had not been to Hamperokken and neither had I for about 3 years, I suggested we take a trip here instead. On the plus side too, the weather was forecasted to be good for most of the day but rain was edging in from the west, so going further east would at least buy us some extra minutes of dry weather later on in the >>>
- Datum:
- 01.09.2012
- Tourcharakter:
- Wanderung
- Tourlänge:
- 4:00h
There isn't a lot to say about this trip, apart from that the views are really nice and there is a very pleasant path that goes up from Grøtfjorden all the way up to the climbers hut at the pass between Styrmannstinden and Zapffetoppen....I took this hike with a guy from the fjellsportgruppa,who I hadn't met before but who had responded to a message I posted on the facebook group. Anyway, he turned out to be good, friendly company and that at least made the trip a bit more fun. The route is fairly short, about 2.5km from the car to the top and the path is well-trodden for most of the way up. It was a shame that it got bit cloudier through the course of the day, because it had started off so bright and sunny when we'd left Tromsø, but even with the cloud the summit views were excellent, and >>>