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Brosmetinden på ski/beina/truger


Hadde min søster på besøk et par dager, og i dag var vi veldig heldige med været. Klar himmel, vindstille og bare -1. Det måtte bli tur! Men hvor? Søsteren har aldri stått på ski, og jeg hadde ingen peiling om snøforholdene på fjellet etter noen dager med mildt vær, regn og plussgrader. Jeg var nesten sikker på at det var for mye snø for en vanlig fottur, men kanskje ikke flotte forhold for å stå på ski uansett. Da ble det trugertur for min søster, mens jeg vurderte å prøve skiene mine. Min venninne Hanneke også fikk anledning til å henge med på tur, og til slutt bestemte vi oss for en enkel tur opp Brosmetinden. En time bilkjøring og vi var snart klare for turen opp. Var litt spennende å kjøre bilen opp det siste bakke. Det var nesten det samme som å kjøre på en >>>




Storkjølen is just about the only mountain I can see when I’m sitting on my sofa. Given the choice I would rather have a view of Storsteinnestinden or something a bit more aesthetic like the mountains around Ersfjord, but at the moment I have to make do with Storkjølen. At least being so close it only takes 10 minutes to drive to Kvaløya, park up and begin a trip up the mountain. Which is basically the story for today’s laid-back Sunday trip. I left the car just after the sign for the Interim Kirke, a little north of the bridge between Tromsøya and Kvaløya. From there it was a couple hundred metres up the road and past some houses before reaching the lysløypa, and then I followed a track closed to motor vehicles which goes all the way up to Mellomvatnet. I didn’t actually go all >>>



During the week I spent probably too much time wondering about how the snow conditions would be like instead of just going out on a trip to find out. In any case I had come to the conclusion that this weekend would most likely be spent with a pair of truger on my feet. I was not convinced that there was enjoyable skiing to be had, given how the snow had been the previous weekend and that there had been a couple of days with milder temperatures. Anyway, from my very limited experience of trugerturer, I decided that a nice, gently-angled mountain would be most appropriate with such equipment. Fortunately I found a mountain on Kvaløya which seemed to fit that description and also be a mountain I hadn’t yet been to. Skittenskarfjellet was therefore today’s objective. Easy to drive to as well >>>


Truger-tur på Riven


Second day of my visit to Senja with my mum, brother and mum's friend Tina. We had a bit of a late start but the sun was shining and it was definitely a day for spending some time outdoors. I couldn't really make up my mind about a small but exciting trip I could take mum and Tina on, but in the end I decided a visit to Riven could be nice. It was classed as an easy summer trip, and the map contours suggested it was not steep, so it was worth giving it a try. My friend had lent me two pairs of truger and I had my skis, so my brother could either try walking by foot in the snow, or find something else to do. In the end he spent 2 hours walking from where we parked by the Riven tunnel down to Husøy - and back again, just to buy a drink and something to eat! For the three of us - mum, Tina and >>>




The hike up Blåtinden was a something of a multi-visit trip, since I had made an ascent of this mountain in the autumn of 2011 with my sister, and remember the views as being really good, especially when you get quite high on to the upper slopes of the mountain. Then, in January I also took a hike in the hope of seeing the sun make its return back to the Arctic, but the hike had taken me a very long time (we're talking like 2 hours here), just to get up and above the forests on the very lowest part of the mountain - simply because there had been such deep snow to hike through and at that point in the season had not discovered the possible benefits of snow shoes or skis......! This time however, I had plenty of daylight and was armed with snow shoes. When I parked at the foot of the mountain >>>
