1231-1245 von 49108
Name Höhe PF Koordinaten GPX

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Aursjøvegen Eikesdalen 182m 32V 464805 6921235 (UTM)

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Aursjøvegen Litldalen 130m 32V 475560 6941910 (UTM)
Aursletta båtrute 1m 33W 396279 7280797 (UTM)

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Aursmoberget 555m 80m 32V 603716 6766713 (UTM)
Aurstadklumpen 397m 145m 33W 374338 7164249 (UTM)

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Aurstaupet 879m 32V 467393 6919071 (UTM)
Ausblick Dörscheid 285m 32U 409338 5551961 (UTM)
Ausblick St. Goarshausen 175m 32U 408319 5556784 (UTM)

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Auschwitz Museum, (Auschwitz Birkenau) 210m 34U 369922 5544159 (UTM)

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Ausenfjellet 278m 51m 32V 619769 6652832 (UTM)
Ausetsætra p-plass 140m 32V 532443 7031668 (UTM)
Auskarnakken 128m 48m 34W 450469 7741597 (UTM)
Auskinvola 658m 100m 32V 646676 7070877 (UTM)

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Auskjeret, (Ausekaret) 1.203m 493m 32V 384898 6918212 (UTM)
Auskjeret 1.340m 190m 32V 405226 6921467 (UTM)
