391-405 von 49108
Name Höhe PF Koordinaten GPX

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Almen 425m 32V 412823 6749170 (UTM)

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Almeskilet 320m 182m 32V 315973 6736509 (UTM)
Almjotheia 587m 70m 32V 355726 6493293 (UTM)
Almknuken 538m 120m 33W 397553 7142267 (UTM)
Almlifjellet 331m 125m 33W 386302 7273762 (UTM)
Almlivola 569m 155m 32V 620966 7047602 (UTM)

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Ålmomannen, (Knubban) 481m 62m 32V 471952 7008465 (UTM)

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Alnaåsen 241m 167m 32V 306396 6612158 (UTM)
Alnakken 885m 105m 32V 325316 6832540 (UTM)
Alnakken øst for 836m 57m 32V 327409 6833041 (UTM)
Alnesdalen - Mannen 750m 32V 430920 6924766 (UTM)
Alnesreset p-lomme 865m 32V 430685 6923062 (UTM)

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Alnessteinen 930m 32V 433015 6923721 (UTM)
Alnestinden 1.665m 195m 32V 428948 6923609 (UTM)

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Alnestinden Øst 1.610m 20m 32V 429604 6923354 (UTM)