Feråsen, Sørås, and Skeisåsen -- an evening cycling round (02.09.2015)

Geschrieben von HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Startpunkt Varden (45m)
Endpunkt Varden (45m)
Tourcharakter Fahrradtour gemischt
Tourlänge 2h 30min
Entfernung 28,3km
Höhenmeter 672m
Besteigungen Feråsen (105m) 02.09.2015
Skeisåsen (127m) 02.09.2015
Sørås (124m) 02.09.2015
Note that this track has been created a posteriori, i.e., from memory, not automatically recorded.

Trip Summary

After work, I needed some fresh air. After only few minutes of decision making, I got on my bicycle and started a quick round south of Fyllingsdalen. My first goal was Feråsen -- an easy-to-overlook small hill between Søreide, Steinsvik and Sandsli. I approached Feråsen from the east and ended up in a small street called Feråslia. I left my bicycle there and continued without. I found a simple trail that looked as if it would surround Feråsen. After having followed it somewhat half around Feråsen, I decided to simply ascend to the top -- with or without a path. While steep on this side, this worked easily and quickly, but I ended up on the neighboring small hill, right next to Feråsen. I changed over -- just to find out that the highest point is mostly part of a (private) garden. This makes this small top very unattractive -- simply not recommended as a goal! From there, I continued (via Steinsvika) to Nordås/Sørås. Right next to the Søråshøgda school that sits almost on the top, there, I explored the area a little -- just to find out that also this small top is totally uninteresting -- not a worthwhile goal at all! After these two experiences, I really hoped that my last goal for this evening, Skeisåsen, would -- at least -- be worth the visit! :-) Getting there proved to be a little challenging (as I ended up on a golf course, on my way), but certainly not problematic. From Grimseidvegen (where it meets Skagevegen), I started my quick and easy ascent. I first followed the path from Grimseidvegen -- up to the point, where it turns south / southwest and up to the saddle that leads over to Hordnesskogen. There, I left the path and crossed over an area underneath some power line, high above me. This brought be quickly up to a higher spot, very near to the top of Skeisåsen. From there, not taking the power line too important, though, the views towards the north were rewarding! :-) A few meters further south, I also found the top of Skeisåsen -- in the middle of the forest. Still, this last (small!) top was clearly the nicest of this short trip, so my last hopes were not disappointed! :-) From there, it did not take long to cycle home via Blomsterdalen and via Kokstad.


Selected photos are available as Google+ photo album.


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