Storevarden and Kolbeinsvarden (13.12.2015)
Geschrieben von HHauser (Helwig Hauser)
Startpunkt | Erdal church (20m) |
Endpunkt | Erdal church (20m) |
Tourcharakter | Bergtour |
Tourlänge | 1h 15min |
Entfernung | 4,8km |
Höhenmeter | 264m |
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Besteigungen | Kolbeinsvarden (231m) | 13.12.2015 |
Storevarden Askøy (217m) | 13.12.2015 |

Trip Summary
We parked near Erdal church on the east of Askøy, a few kilometers north of Kleppestø. From there, we first followed a road, Svartedalsvegen. Right after two U-turns, a small road departs to the right, leading to a few houses (two?) that are "kind of hidden" in a small valley. We passed the houses (in the valley), searching for a good spot to ascend to Storevardsbrekka, i.e., another road much higher up that is servicing houses that are built high up the hillside. We found a way to get up there, but it was comparably wild and not recommended. Back on the street (now Storevardsbrekka), we followed it until the end from where a path leads on the remaining few meters up to Storevarden. From there, we followed a path northwards, passing by Langafjellet and connecting to the main path up Kolbeinsvarden through two small lakes. We then ascended to Kolbeinsvarden, before we turned back, following for a few steps the same path that we had taken up Kolbeinsvarden. Rather soon, however, we turned left, following a path that descends from Kolbeinsvarden in northeastern direction, leading to a road called Sprengsdalen. From there, it is just a few meters down on the road, before getting back to Erdals church.
Selected photos are available as Google+ photo album.
Useful Resources
Web page provides useful information about Kolbeinsvarden
and also Petter Bjørstad has a useful page about Kolbeinsvarden.
Web page from the Norwegian Trekking Association recommends another hike up and down Kolbeinsvarden.