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Archiv - Geography
Favourite trips
November climb to Pico del Teide
- Date:
- 04.11.2009
- Characteristic:
- Hillwalk
- Duration:
- 8:00h
Nice to be on vacation in the Subtropics when the rain is pouring down and days are short and chilly back in Norway! Our obvious goal was Tenerife, with a climb to majestic Pico del Teide as the ultimate high. I had climbed it several times before, but for Anna, Bente and Gunnstein it would eventually become their first ascent of this highest peak in Spain. According to season, weather was relativly chilly, and swims in the Atlantic were few and brief. After some lazy days at the pool we drove from our hotel in Los Gigantes gaining altitude in the numerous turns of the road up the SW slopes of the island.
At 1900-2000m a.s.l. we arrived at "the floor" of the big old crater with its surrounding rocky edge.
We made a photo stop at the famous Roques de Garcia before driving further, passing >>>
Traverse of Tenerife's SE crater rim
- Date:
- 02.07.2006
- Characteristic:
- Hillwalk
- Distance:
- 16.0km
I had climbed El Sombrero and Roque de los Almendros a couple of times before on vacations at Tenerife, but never Montana de Guajara. This time I intended to make a traverse of the crater rigde from Montana Guajara via Roque de los Almendros, finally ending my traverse on El Sombroro. Images are from a trip back in the 1990-ies; scanned dias, and subsequently definitely not supreme quality...
I parked my rented car at the Visitor´s Centre close to Roques de Garcia. From here I headed for the western face of Montana Guajara and soon I discovered a trail to be followed. No difficult passages, but on approaching the summit plateau I followed a somewhat exposed, but not narrow legde formation leading to the left(north) before arriving at the relatively flat summit area. From here splendid viewes >>>
Mulhacen - høyest på Iberiske halvøy
- Date:
- 28.07.2003
- Characteristic:
- Hillwalk
Drøy halv dags kjøring fra Alfaz del Pi. Dro innom Torrevieja og besøkte Jostein, som ble med på turen. Ankom Trevelez ca 1700 moh om kvelden. Det var helt tydelig at det er skinkeproduksjon som er hovedbeskjeftigelsen i denne fjellbyen sør i Sierra Nevada. Etter en god natt startet vi tidlig neste morgen. Fulgte en noe utydelig sti som etter hvert forsvant.
Noen olme okser med illevarslende buring og skraping i støvet litt oppe i fjellsiden fikk oss klokelig til å gå en god omvei. Etter ca 5 timer nådde vi toppen i flott sommervær. Fin temperatur og meget skarp sol i denne høyden midtsommers. Vi tålte høyden overraskende bra begge to. Jostein kunne ikke motstå fristelsen til å ringe hjem til felles "løpekompis" for å fortelle at vi stod på høyeste punkt på Iberiske >>>