Tomsetåsen (05.10.2014)
Start point | Lohove p-plass (169m) |
Characteristic | Hike |
Duration | 1h 15min |
Distance | 4.2km |
Vertical meters | 86m |
Map |
Ascents | Tomsetåsen (255m) | 05.10.2014 |
Visits of other PBEs | Lohove Parkering (169m) | 05.10.2014 |
Start point | Lohove p-plass (169m) |
Characteristic | Hike |
Duration | 1h 15min |
Distance | 4.2km |
Vertical meters | 86m |
Map |
Ascents | Tomsetåsen (255m) | 05.10.2014 |
Visits of other PBEs | Lohove Parkering (169m) | 05.10.2014 |
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