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Archiv - Geography
Favourite trips
- Date:
- 07.07.2014
- Characteristic:
- Hillwalk
- Duration:
- 4:00h
Etter å ha flyttet fra Narvik-området på grunn av den insekt-og-tropevarme situasjonen, håpet jeg at det ville bli noe mer komfortabelt å være på tur i Lofoten. Jeg skaffet meg en liten campinghytte på Sandvika utenfor Kabelvåg og våknet til en solrik og varm morgen. Det så ut som om jeg kanskje ikke hadde blitt kvitt av høye temperaturer, men det var iallefall få insekter. Jeg kjørte relativt tidlig til Leknes der jeg handlet litt mat og prøvde å kjøpe et ekstra par shorts. Dette fikk jeg ikke til, så jeg fortsatte med turplanen min uansett og dro fra Leknes til Utakleiv.
Det var en relativt kort tur og jeg fikk kjøre forbi Costa del Haukland der mange mange folk koste seg både med bading i havet og soling på stranda. Dette fristet meg litt også siden jeg var bedre kledd >>>
- Date:
- 05.07.2014
- Characteristic:
- Walk
Etter turen til Spanstinden tok jeg en kveldstur til Skjomdalen. Hadde lest om at Gulliktinden er den letteste 1000m-topp som er med i Narviks Ti-på-Topp turer i år. Det høres bra ut, syntes jeg. Det ble da en 2-timers biltur fra Lapphaugen til den sørligste enden av Skjomdalen der veien nesten sluttet. Bra veiforhold likevel. Jeg la merke til et skilt som advarte mot 'dårlige forhold' på anleggsveien etter å ha kjørt litt forbi Fjellbu, men det virket ikke noe verre enn typiske veier rundt Tromsø! De har sikkert noen andre meninger om hva 'dårlig' betyr her i Narvik.
Uansett, det viste seg at det ikke var noe sti eller merking på denne Ti-på-Topp turen, så det var bare å finne egen rute frem mot toppen. Det var ikke det deiligste eller vanskeligste terreng å gå i, men jeg følte >>>
- Date:
- 03.07.2013
- Characteristic:
- Walk
- Duration:
- 2:30h
- Distance:
- 4.0km
Woke up to an overcast and foggy sky after sleeping very comfortably in the Svolvær youth hostel for one night (camping in Kalle had proved to be less fun than I had expected). The rest of the gang had more or less decided to try a round trip from Kongstindan, Lova and the peaks west of Lova. I was undecided about whether to join them or keep Ilona company while she continued hobbling around on trips around town.
In the end Ilona and I tried to catch a ferry to Skrova but found out that it would mean having to wait for about 3 hours at the ferry quay. So instead of doing that, I parted ways with Ilona and decided to go for an afternoon walk to Kongstindan. In truth I would have much rather headed out toards Vestgavøya and gone on a long trip, but since we had arranged with the guys to meet >>>
- Date:
- 01.07.2013
- Characteristic:
- Hillwalk
- Duration:
- 4:00h
- Distance:
- 7.5km
Ended up taking a solotur to Rundfjellet today after Ilona injured her knee on Haveren the day before. Drove to Storvassbotn and parked up at the side of the road, slapped on some expedition-strength insect repellent and got some tunes going on my mp3 player. Then I felt more or less ready to tackle the mean-looking forest in front of me.
I was actually very pleasantly surprised by the good-quality footpath all the way up through the forest which made the experience a whole lot easier and enjoyable despite the many drops of sweat which were pouring off my forehead. It was around 11.30 and already 21 degrees when I started the hike up, so it was not a huge surprise that I was feeling so warm!
The route followed first the ridge over Kvannfjellet, passing some lakes to the right. The views were >>>
- Date:
- 01.07.2013
- Characteristic:
- Hillwalk
- Duration:
- 2:00h
- Distance:
- 2.5km
Since the weather had been so gorgeous and I had only been on a relatively short trip up Rundfjellet , it seemed appropriate to make the most of the remaining sunshine (there was forecasted rain for most of the next day) and take a small kveldstur after having dinner in Henningsvær with Ilona and Jan Fredrik.
Festvågtind was recommended by both of them, so I parked at the roadside just after the Engøysundet bridge at around 8pm and started the walk up in 20-degree warm air. At least it was not as hot as it could have been since this side of the hill was in shade now.
It was quite a direct route straight up the valley, first through some forest and after a while the path went up towards the ridge amongst some giant rock boulders. There were great views below me towards Henningsvær, and got better and >>>
- Date:
- 29.06.2013
- Characteristic:
- Walk
- Duration:
- 2:00h
- Distance:
- 5.0km
After almost 7 hours of driving from Tromsø to Kalle with Ilona, I was feeling a bit stiff in my legs and had not really thought much about taking a long evening hike. However, we were greeted at the campsite by swarms of mosquitoes and within minutes of putting up our tents we had already dived inside to take shelter from the mygg-attack. So then we had the option of either hiding in our tents for the rest of the beautiful evening or going out for a trip and hoping there would not be any mosquitoes there for company. We took the latter option.
Jan Fredrik had recommended the trip up Glomtinden since it was only a short walk and not very high, and the path was good all the way up. We drove about 10 minutes from Kalle to a parking space by the side of the road towards Rørvik, just after a small >>>
Skadet på Sydalsfjellet
- Date:
- 23.03.2013
- Characteristic:
- Randonnée/Telemark
- Distance:
- 7.0km
After having had a short trip on our first day in Lofoten, Aline and I were super-enthusiastic to have a longer ski trip. Sydalsfjellet turned out to be the only ‘full’ topptur option, since the other trips which were being run on the Saturday were either skogskjøring or ski/surf combination. Fortunately both of us managed to get a place on the Sydalsfjellet trip before the sign-up list had filled up. Unfortunately the weather didn’t look all that promising in the beginning of the day when we met up with our guides Marius and Bjørn at 9am at the Henningsvær Bryggehotell. Altogether there were 13 participants on the trip, so it was a relatively large group. Null visibility and light snow was not at all inspirational, but we clambered on board the minibus anyway with a dash of hope that >>>
- Date:
- 22.03.2013
- Characteristic:
- Backcountry skiing
My first trip of Camp Lofoten with Aline and Siv. We'd expected to be taking a trip to Sautinden, but as things happened we ended up on Stampen instead. The meet-up with the ret of our group and the guides was at 9.00 by the Henningsvær Bryggehotell and the drive to the starting point for the ascent was a scenic 40-minute drive down the E10. And we couldn't have asked for a better welcome with the blue skies and sunshine we got, even if the forecast did hint that it wouldn't be staying like this for very long! The group was around 9 or 10 including our guide Sverre, and we used the first hour or so using the avalanche transceivers in search mode. For us and perhaps one or two others in the group, the practice wasn't new but served as good revision on what we had already learnt on the skredkurs >>>