271-285 of 49108
Name Elevation V.sep. Coordinates GPX
Aksla 188m 188m 32V 354669 6930465 (UTM)
Aksla 606m 56m 32V 328188 6862296 (UTM)
Aksla 1,003m 25m 32V 359599 6841848 (UTM)
Aksla 484m 20m 32V 502859 7029852 (UTM)
Aksla 514m 106m 32V 321110 6667819 (UTM)

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Aksla stadion parkering 150m 32V 354945 6930425 (UTM)
Aksla vest 167m 24m 32V 354124 6930329 (UTM)
Akslafjellet 1,588m 93m 32V 383613 6697788 (UTM)

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Akslafjellet 443m 100m 32V 337440 6537390 (UTM)
Akslahornet 926m 133m 32V 349598 6904646 (UTM)

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Akslahornet 411m 15m 32V 381603 6952625 (UTM)

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Akslanakken 347m 84m 32V 370461 6925642 (UTM)
Aksland p-plass 200m 32V 320237 6584348 (UTM)
Akslandsnuten 821m 237m 32V 334786 6598493 (UTM)
AkslarĂ„heia 1,139m 42m 32V 363268 6544220 (UTM)
