Name |
Elevation |
V.sep. |
Coordinates |
Big Sister Trail Parking
1,703m |
11U 614167 5651002 (UTM)
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Big Sister W1
2,880m |
16m |
11U 615505 5652669 (UTM)
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Big Sister W2
2,865m |
13m |
11U 615451 5652656 (UTM)
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Big Sister W3
2,845m |
15m |
11U 615409 5652637 (UTM)
Big Southern Butte, (Big Butte)
2,301m |
730m |
12T 336137 4806769 (UTM)
331m |
11m |
30U 482598 6020021 (UTM)
546m |
130m |
34W 598218 7691628 (UTM)
Bigland Barrow
193m |
23m |
30U 501419 6011073 (UTM)
Bignall Hill
236m |
90m |
30U 549024 5878946 (UTM)
Bihkkačohkka, (Vaaranpää)
328m |
220m |
35W 449349 7808262 (UTM)
603m |
28m |
32V 541209 6677333 (UTM)
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1,051m |
51m |
32V 465578 6599459 (UTM)
496m |
65m |
34W 419207 7759324 (UTM)
Bikku Bitti, (Bette Peak)
2,267m |
570m |
34Q 308438 2432043 (UTM)
Bílá hora
557m |
204m |
34U 292357 5497499 (UTM)