Tindur (02.05.2015)

Written by HHauser (Helwig Hauser) GSM

Start point Elduvík (10m)
Endpoint Elduvík (10m)
Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 3h 30min
Distance 7.7km
Vertical meters 577m
Ascents Tindur (503m) 02.05.2015
Note that this track has been created a posteriori, i.e., from memory, not automatically recorded.

Trip Summary

We drove to Elduvík and parked near the cemetery. From there we followed a narrow path (along the northern slope of Skoratindur), along Funningsfjørdur. Between Skoratindur and Tindur, this path leads upwards and over a (not very high!) pass, towards Fuglafjørður. From this pass (below 160m above sealevel) we ascended Tindur, first via its (very!) steep western slope. Before we could reach the top, the slope became so steep that we avoided the last bit by detouring a bit towards the southwestern ascend (which proved to be much easier). From the top one has fantastic views in all directions, wow! :-) Once on the top, we decided to continue towards the eastern-most tip of Tindur, connected by an easy to walk ridge. More wonderful views can be enjoyed from both the ridge and its end in the very east! From there, we then decided to descend along a diagonal path across the southern slope of Tindur -- mostly to avoid the rocky and very steep slope, which we hiked up, firstly. This proved to be quite well doable, even though walking diagonally in quite steep terrain also isn't the most pleasant experience. Back to the (low) pass, we rejoined the path and returned on it to Elduvík, basically following the same route as towards Tindur in the beginning. All in all, a very rewarding tour, which targets a not so prominent mountain with wonderful views! :-)


Selected photos are available as Google+ photo album.

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