Sgurr nan Gillean and Am Basteir (25.07.2014)

Written by Maasly (Margaret Aasly)

Start point Sligachan (10m)
Endpoint Sligachan (18m)
Characteristic Hillwalk
Duration 10h 27min
Distance 14.0km
Vertical meters 1,267m
Ascents Am Basteir (934m) 25.07.2014
Sgurr nan Gillean (964m) 25.07.2014

Hike / Scramble on Isle of Skye, from Sligachan to Sgurr nan Gillean and Am Basteir via the pinnacle route

From Sligachan to the new bridge over the Allt Dearg Mhor. Continue along well established path, reaching the Allt Dearg Beag. Onwards toward the Pinnacle ridge, alongside the Allt Dearg Beag and then the Bhastier gorge. Scramble up to the top of Sgurr nan Gillean via 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Knight’s peak. Upon desend from Sgurr nan Gillean to Am Bastir a rabbel, just after the "hole in rock". From the Am Bhasteir ridge, walk, scramble with only a minor awkward drop - bad step, to Am Basteir's. Upron return, take care down the screes to Bealach a'Bhasteir and to Coire a'Bhasteir. Continue to the north of the Bastier gorge, a solid path down ot the bridge and on to Sligachan

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