Via Gråfjellet towards Sveningen (05.10.2014)

Startsted Løyningdalen (12moh)
Sluttsted Løyningdalen (12moh)
Turtype Fjelltur
Turlengde 6t 30min
Distanse 17,5km
Høydemeter 1067m
Bestigninger Gråfjellet (486moh) 05.10.2014
Sveningen (842moh) 05.10.2014
Note that this track has been created a posteriori, i.e., from memory, not automatically recorded.

Trip Summary

We parked the car in Løyningdalen, right next to the street into Øvredalen. We then crossed the river (bridge) and continued into Stordalen. Following Stordalen, we passed by Gråfjellet and climbed up to Midtfjellet first. From there, we changed over to Gråfjellet, going a bit back in direction. From Gråfjellet, we then descended to Leina and followed the ridge in direction Baggeskaret. From there we continued along the ridge, first via Selsfjellet and then to Utløfjellet, before we started a quite steep ascent towards Sveningen. Basically, most of this tour was along the border between Os and Samnanger. After having almost reached the top of Sveningen, we descended into Øvredalen (on the trail which connects Øvredalen and Sveningen). All in all, this tour was quite long (> 6 hours) and quite a bit demanding (because most of the connection between Gråfjellet and Sveningen was without any trail).


Two selected photos are available as Google+ photo album.

Useful Resources

Web page provides useful information about Gråfjellet as well as about Sveningen, Søtefjellet, Sauskolten, Rindafjellet, and Midtsæterfjellet
and also Petter Bjørstad has a useful page about Gråfjellet and another useful page about Sveningen.


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