Grøntua (15.03.2015)

Startsted Brønnedalen (110moh)
Sluttsted Brønnedalen (110moh)
Turtype Spasertur
Turlengde 1t 00min
Distanse 4,9km
Høydemeter 252m
Bestigninger Festeråsen (164moh) 15.03.2015
Grøntua (181moh) 15.03.2015
Note that this track has been created a posteriori, i.e., from memory, not automatically recorded.

Trip Summary

Starting from Brønndalen, we quickly ascended to Grøntua -- a small top west of Lyderhorn with a nice view! :-) From there, via Olskvikåsen, a school, and Olsvik (another school), we first descended to Olsvikstallen, from where we ascended to Festeråsen, where still ruins from WWII are visible. From there we went back, once again passing over Grøntua. All in all, a very relaxed Sunday afternoon walk (in great spring weather).

Useful Resources

Petter Bjørstad has a useful page about Grøntua.


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