Skjenestølen (05.04.2015)
Startsted | Last bus stop on Drønen (30moh) |
Sluttsted | Last bus stop on Drønen (30moh) |
Turtype | Spasertur |
Turlengde | 1t 00min |
Distanse | 2,2km |
Høydemeter | 31m |
Bestigninger | Skjenestølen (56moh) | 05.04.2015 |
Note that this track has been created a posteriori, i.e., from memory, not automatically recorded.
Trip Summary
Starting from the last bus stop on Drønen, we walked along the island until we reached Skjenestølen, the highest spot on Drønen -- a short walk, but nice to get out and have some fresh air! :-)