Livarden (19.06.2014)
Startsted | Krekjebærhaugen (290moh) |
Sluttsted | Krekjebærhaugen (290moh) |
Turtype | Fjelltur |
Turlengde | 4t 00min |
Distanse | 11,3km |
Høydemeter | 523m |
Bestigninger | Livarden (683moh) | 19.06.2014 |
Totlandsfjellet (546moh) | 19.06.2014 |
Note that this track has been created a posteriori, i.e., from memory, not automatically recorded.
Trip Summary
Livarden is a nice walk (from Totland), especially when walking down later the day (into the evening sun -- if there is any, of course)!
Selected photos are available as Google+ photo album.