Gullfjellet (09.06.2013)

Startsted Parking at Osavatnet (315moh)
Sluttsted Parking at Osavatnet (315moh)
Turtype Fjelltur
Turlengde 4t 30min
Distanse 13,5km
Høydemeter 879m
Bestigninger Gullfjellet (914moh) 09.06.2013
Gullfjelltoppen (987moh) 09.06.2013
Andre besøkte PBE'er Osavatnet parkeringsplass (kr) (315moh) 09.06.2013
Redningshytten, Gullfjellet (600moh) 09.06.2013
Note that this track has been created a posteriori, i.e., from memory, not automatically recorded.

Trip Summary

Great hike from Osavatnet (315m) to Gullfjelltoppen (987m) with the boys and then down, again, via Redningshytten. The ascent via Ronamanen (leaving the main track, which would connect to Redningshytten from Osacatnet, a few meters above Svartavatnet to the left, then along Småhaugane and up the ridge, passing Markskilfossen) is really a good alternative to the main "Autobahn" up Gullfjellet! :-)


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