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Arkiv - Etter geografi
Großglockner from Ködnitztal
- Dato:
- 17.07.2016
- Turtype:
- Fjelltur
- Turlengde:
- 12:00t
- Distanse:
- 15,8km
We started from Lucknerhaus, where a nice guy drove us up to Lucknerhuette (in order to give us an easy start into this hike)! From Lucknerhuette, we did a relaxed walk up to the Fanatscharte (and Stuedlhuette, there). On Stuedlhuette, we met our guide (from the Kalser Bergfuehrer) and discussed the weather (it really did not look promising, both in terms of rain/snow and also wind). After some thinking, we decided to still make an attempt, at least up to Adlersruhe (and Erzherzog-Johann-Huette, there). We started (into the freezing rain) and followed the "Normalweg", which leads around Schere, first, before then ascending on the upper-left side of Koednitzkees, before crossing over (to the east), leaving the glacier there, and continuing as a moderately easy climibing stretch >>>