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November climb to Pico del Teide
- Dato:
- 04.11.2009
- Turtype:
- Fjelltur
- Turlengde:
- 8:00t
Nice to be on vacation in the Subtropics when the rain is pouring down and days are short and chilly back in Norway! Our obvious goal was Tenerife, with a climb to majestic Pico del Teide as the ultimate high. I had climbed it several times before, but for Anna, Bente and Gunnstein it would eventually become their first ascent of this highest peak in Spain. According to season, weather was relativly chilly, and swims in the Atlantic were few and brief. After some lazy days at the pool we drove from our hotel in Los Gigantes gaining altitude in the numerous turns of the road up the SW slopes of the island.
At 1900-2000m a.s.l. we arrived at "the floor" of the big old crater with its surrounding rocky edge.
We made a photo stop at the famous Roques de Garcia before driving further, passing >>>