Derwentwater to Langdale (13.12.2009)

Bestigninger Harrison Stickle (736moh) 13.12.2009
High Raise  (762moh) 13.12.2009
High Tove (515moh) 13.12.2009
Standing Crag (611moh) 13.12.2009
Thunacar Knott (723moh) 13.12.2009
Ullscarf (726moh) 13.12.2009
Watendlath Fell (515moh) 13.12.2009

After what had been a weekend of crisp and gorgeous weather, today was by comparison a bit disappointing and overcast. Nevertheless it meant that it was also a bit milder too and it wasn't raining at least! So from Derwentwater youth hostel I took the track up to Watendlath via Ashness Bridge, passing a couple of farms and bored-looking cows and sheep along the way, and when I got to Watendlath it was quite deserted. I guess that's winter in the Lakes. No tourists to demand tea shops should be open! Anyway, from there it was up onto High Tove, to gain the ridge above Watendlath, and a somewhat but not very boggy trudge across Long Moss and by the edge of Blea Tarn to access Standing Crag and Ullscarf. This is probably my least favourite fell; its a very tedious trudge up a very tedious and featureless grass slope, but the views aren't too bad once you get to the top. Quite fortunately I did happen to bump into a bunch of guys going in the other direction while somewhere on Greenup Edge, but it was nice to stop and chat for a couple of minutes. Then I was back on my way again and off towards Thunacar Knott, swiftly followed by the top of Harrison Stickle, sometime in the early afternoon. A couple of other hikers were out on the Langdale Pikes today but they were few in number and those who were on Harrison Stickle seemed quite happy not to strike up a conversation, so I just went on my way again and back down to the national trust car park by Dungeoun Ghyll. That was the last of 3 very good, albeit quiet days out in the central Lakes.


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