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Arkiv - Etter geografi
- Dato:
- 24.03.2012
- Turtype:
- Fottur
- Turlengde:
- 4:00t
This was to be my first ever ski trip on fjellski! The lovely Kine Halse who was spending a few months at UNIS had very fortunately been able to borrow some telemark utstyr from a friend, which meant she offered to lend me her skis to use for a trip. More luckily was that her boots actually fitted me even though they were 2 sizes smaller than my usual boots! So on a crisp and sunny saturday morning, we drove up to Nybyen and parked up just at the end of the last barracks. We met here with one of Kine's friends, Karoline Kirsch and she joined us for the trip to Trollsteinen. It was a little windy here, as it always is, and I changed from my thin down jacket to my full-on Rab Summit down jacket. It was -12 in the valley, but felt so much colder with the wind chill, coupled with the fact I'd done >>>